Work With Wumi

Wumi Oyewole Inspired is a place where beauty meets with brilliance. We believe in the power of collaboration because “two heads are better than one”!

Here is a list of our collaboration opportunities:

1. Guest Blogging or Sponsored Posts: I work with brands who have products or services I think my readers would like. Integrity matters to me so I will always mention when a company has sponsored or paid for a post on this blog. I wouldn't necessarily write all sponsored post, however if anything needs checking out, I will do so to the best of my ability. All content will be edited to suit the style of this blog. I will retain editorial control of this blog, at all times. I will only include 'no-follow' links to products or company websites. I will not publish an article, if it is not relevant to the core themes on this blog. If you would like to collaborate with me, please get in touch.

2. Internet Consultancy Services

Apart from being a fully qualified skin and beauty professional, I also hold a graduate qualifications in Advertising and Marketing. I creatively work with new start-ups; especially new lifestyle and beauty businesses in the areas of: online marketing, copy writing, product naming, beauty event hosting and presenting. We would love to collaborate with you on your project. Please email us at

3. Speaking Engagements

Are you organising a beauty, well-being or business event and you require an inspirational speaker? Look no further! I speak at business, youth, charitable and church conferences. These are only a few of the things you’ll gain by inviting me to speak at your event:
  • Relevant experience from a fabulous business woman.
  • First-hand knowledge about the health and beauty sector.
  • A supportive hand and collaborative partner.
  • Promotion of your event to my very own network of contacts.
  • A lively and relevant presentation with stories that speak to the heart!
Please email us with the subject “Speaker Request” to requesting for my availability. I will get back to you within 24 hours.

4. Beauty Business Mentoring & Start-up

Are you looking to start a beauty business as a first, second or even third career? These are only a few of the things you’ll gain, if you’ll allow me to hold your hands and work with you:
  • First-hand knowledge about the health and beauty industry from a fully qualified professional.
  • Experience of how to market your products both online and offline.
  • People, prospecting and presenting skills.
  • Support and sound training.
Want to know more? Please send your email to with the subject "Beauty Business Mentoring" requesting further information and I’ll endeavour to get back to you within 24 to 48 hours.

Radiance and Love,

Wumi Oyewole

© Wumi Oyewole Inspired. All rights reserved.