Friday, 8 July 2016

Friday Feeling: What Has Beauty Got To Do With Self-Esteem?

Did you know that feeling confident about one's appearance rates as the most important factor for building self esteem? This is backed by several years of research, conducted by the Cosmetic, Toiletry & Perfumery Association (CTPA) since 2004 and comes above having a large group of friends, being financially successful and even having a supportive family.

So What is Self-Esteem?
Confidence in your own worth or abilities; self-respect, self-assurance, self-belief, self-love, dignity, morale and self-regard!

This is why I love the beauty industry; an industry that understands the issue of self-esteem and its relationship to how people see and view themselves. It was for this same reason that Look Good Feel Better was founded in 1994 to help cancer patients deal with the side effects cancer treatment can have on a person’s appearance. 

Look Good Feel Better provides free skincare and make-up workshops to help women and teenagers look good so they can feel better. The aim is to greatly increase a woman’s confidence and self-esteem during a very difficult time in their life – especially after receiving cancer treatment. Many of the side effects of cancer treatment are highly distressing as they can dramatically change a woman’s appearance and body image. For instance, the loss of hair not only on the head but also on the eye brow can really change the way a woman looks and ultimately the way she feels about herself. 

To date, the beauty industry supports the program in over 25 countries worldwide with over 1.5 million women attending a workshop somewhere in the world since the service began. I support the charity as a volunteer skin care specialist helping to deliver the workshop alongside other beauty professionals and I can see first hand, how this program helps to build a woman's self esteem and self-worth.

So when people ask me what has beauty got to do with self-esteem? 
My answer is simply this: a lot!

I am building a community of women who know their self-worth. Please join us on Facebook and like our page, if you love what we do.

That's my Friday feeling and inspirational musing - from me to you, beautiful.

Radiance and love,



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